
v1.0.1 beta – direct campaigns integration


v1.0.1 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v1.0.2 beta – added actions for demand endpoints, supply endpoints, users and websites directly into the statistics.


v1.0.2 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v1.1.0 beta – publisher statistics API development completed, administrative interface updated with API token creation for the users section, API token listing page added, actions for creation and removal of API tokens developed.


v1.1.0 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v1.4.0 stable – redesign of the administrative interface dashboard and the member interface dashboard.


v1.4.5 beta – added detailed error log on current day. Stored information: publisher id, website id, source id, subid, country shortcode ( 2 letters ), IP of the request, IP of the visit, pixel trigger date, click date, error type.


v1.4.5 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v1.4.6 beta – request log can now be activate for specific formats and / or supply endpoints.


v1.4.7 beta – added logs for the responses received from demand endpoints.


v1.4.7 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v1.5.0 beta – added icon / image upload capabilities and selection of previously used icon / image for direct push campaigns.


v1.5.0 beta – added banner upload capabilities and selection of previously used banner for direct banner campaigns.


v1.5.0 beta – added image upload capabilities and selection of previously used image for direct native campaigns.


v1.5.1 beta – added subscription age targeting for direct push campaigns.


v1.5.1 beta – performance improvements for banner, native and push ads icon / image displaying and resource consumption tweaks.


v1.5.1 stable – functionality and bug tests passed and changes applied on production version.


v2.0.0 stable – advertiser interface added


v2.1.0 stable

  1. improved webdriver detection of selenium, phantomjs and chromium based webdrivers
  2. improved the redirect performance slightly
  3. redesigned the switch between publisher and advertisers panels for all themes for better UX
  4. added campaign edit for direct advertisers
  5. added campaign budget adjustment capabilities for direct advertisers


v2.2.0 stable

  • Serving has been improved to retry IP geolocation fetching when a fail happens.
  • {uniqueid} and {referrer} are now being passed on to direct campaigns requesting these parameters.
  • The detailed view of supply endpoint now contain a chart of the QPS the endpoint made within the last hour.


v2.3.0 stable

  • The general settings of the platform received 6 new inputs that allow modifying the colors of each theme which allows the administrators to change all the major colors of the platform:
    – Platform’s dark color ( defaults to a dark shade of blue )
    – Platform’s light color ( defaults to a very light grey )
    – Platform’s primary color ( defaults to a soft blue )
    – Platform’s secondary color ( defaults to a grey shade of blue )
    – Platform’s info color ( defaults to a light blue )
    – Platform’s success color ( defaults to soft green )
    – Platform’s warning color ( defaults to a soft shade of orange )
    – Platform’s danger color ( defaults to a soft red )
  • The statistics now have an option to disable the chart. This choice will be saved within the localstorage of the browser separately for each platform user


v2.3.1 stable – A new function has been added to allow copying and pasting targeting options between demand endpoints. To use this, edit any demand endpoint or campaign then use the copy button to copy its targeting options then go back and edit the campaign you want to add the targeting options to and use the paste button to replace the current targeting with the ones from the initial campaign.


v2.3.2 stable – A new functionality has been introduced that lets you block all future demand endpoints and campaigns for any supply endpoints. To use it, edit any supply endpoint, then for the “blocked demand endpoints” row choose “specific demand endpoints” then use the switch with the label “Automatically block all future demand”. Please keep in mind that in order for this work at least 1 demand endpoint needs to be blocked.


v3.0.0 stableConversion tracking has been implemented.

  • The administrative interface now contains a new statistics page dedicated to conversion tracking
  • Automatic optimization has been integrated for direct demand endpoints for conversion rate and conversion price
  • The redirect URLs for all formats will now replace a new variable named {postbackid} with an unique ID that can be sent back via postback to track conversions
  • A new postback URL for the platform has been added, namely{THE_POSTBACK_ID_MENTIONED_ABOVE}

Other changes:

  • A new function has been added that allows clearing the cache of copied demand endpoint targeting


v3.0.1 stable – The automated optimization CRON will now run hourly instead of daily.


v3.0.2 stable – The comparison threshold is now editable and can contain values between 10 ( impressions, clicks or requests based on the criteria ) and 100 000. Keep in mind that values that are too low may end up blocking segments without conclusive data while values that are too high may end up overspending on segments that are not very profitable.


v3.0.3 stable – The main menu will no display the number of pending assets for direct campaigns added by direct advertisers, the pending websites as well as pending payments, both in and out.


v3.0.4 stable – Options to disable specific ad formats have been added to the Platform’s settings.
You can now disable formats as needed for your publishers and advertisers. They will no longer be able to access any content related to the specific format that was disabled. These changes apply only for regular members and do not hinder any functionality of the administrative dashboard or ad serving.


v3.1.0 stable – The platform can now accept direct deposits via PayPal and cryptocurrency with

Both deposit methods can be enabled from the administrative interface’s Platform Settings.


v3.1.5 stable
– The administrative interface now allows mass delete for both supply and demand endpoints.
– The supply endpoints now have the option to set specific revenue share rates based on each active demand endpoint.


v3.2.0 stable
– The administrative interface now has a new feed testing feature which allows for various ip and user agent queries as needed. The feed testing also saves a history of the interrogated feeds as well as allowing the possibility to add URLs to collection. To access the new feature, go to the Debugging menu item ( new ) in the EXTRA category within the main menu.
– The Request log has been moved under the Debugging menu item in the EXTRA category within the main menu.
– The Response log has been moved under the Debugging menu item in the EXTRA category within the main menu.


v3.2.1 stable

– The member statistics API has been updated to accept 3 new filters: country, source and subid. These filters are optional and can be used as needed
– The integration guide for each format has been updated accordingly


v3.3.0 stable

– The “New endpoint” page design for Demand endpoints under the administrative interface has been improved. The new UX of the page offers improved accessibility and eases up the selection process.
– The “Request log” and the “Response log” pages, under the administrative interface, now allow alterations of the page length as well as data download via Copy, Excel, CSV or PDF
– When adding a new supply endpoint or editing an already existing one you can now enable or disable all available filters at once. Opting for individual filters is still possible.
– When adding a new supply endpoint or editing an already existing one, you can now select the response timeout which will be valid for that particular endpoint only, and will override the platform’s default.


v3.3.1 stable – Recompiled cURL with openSSL support to improve external connections on port 443 ( https ) and reduce resource consumption on upstream servers.

Information! – Please keep in mind that connections to demand endpoints are still recommended to be made via port 80 ( http ) rather than 443 ( https ) due to the extra encryption / decryption requirements as well as an extra initial handshake.


v3.3.3 stable
– Added an option that allows specific filtered traffic to continue being redirected to the initial landing page URL rather than the fallback URL. This option can be found under the Platform Settings -> Fallback bypass
– Improved browser detection for Safari Mobile Browser, iOS/MacOS and WKWebView
– EdgeHTML Browser Engine no longer detects as Chromium engine based


v3.5.0 stable
– The administrative dashboard now allows integration of 3rd party API statistics from various partners
– A new link has been added in the main menu, under the statistics, namely: “External API reports”
– The new feature allows comparison of data between internally stored information and external demand partner data
– Users with administrative clearance can add new endpoints based on templates which are already integrated within the platform. New templates will be added on request, as needed by our development team.


v3.5.1 stable
– The initial status for for new demand endpoints can be now set to Active or Paused. This applies for direct campaigns, XML/JSON feed endpoints and oRTB endpoints.
– The section containing QPS by format on the administrative dashboard can now be expanded to show individual endpoint information per each format.


v3.5.2 stable
– The UI for the load balancing server and upstream servers within the administrative dashboard has been improved.


v3.6.0 stable
– Demand endpoints now accept a start date and an end date. This new functionality will activate a specified demand endpoint when the start date is reached and will pause it when the end date is reached.
– Demand endpoints now accept dayparting. This new functionality will not alter the status of a demand point ( Active / Paused ), instead, the upstream servers will not use that specific demand endpoint for any request if the current platform date and hour does not match an accepted value.
* We decided against a system that will activate or pause the demand endpoints in order to avoid confusion when working with multiple endpoints.
– Saving the changes after editing a demand endpoint will now redirect to that specific demand endpoint’s detailed page.
– The demand endpoint’s detailed pages now contain an additional button that links to the statistics of that specific endpoint.
– The supply endpoint’s detailed pages now contain an additional button that links to the statistics of that specific endpoint.
– The demand endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a green check mark icon when the endpoint is active
– The demand endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a grey pause icon when the endpoint is paused
– The demand endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a light grey clock icon when the endpoint is pending
– The supply endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a green check mark icon when the endpoint is active
– The supply endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a grey pause icon when the endpoint is paused
– The supply endpoint’s detailed pages will now show a light grey clock icon when the endpoint is pending


v3.6.1 stable – DAO.AD has been added to the External API Reports templates


v3.7.0 stable
* Different domains can now be used for ad serving per each individual ad format. Adding such a domain requires changes to the load balancer server configuration, therefor if / when needed, please reach out to an Adtransfer representative.
– Added a statistics link within the supply endpoint’s details page
– When saving changes after editing a supply endpoint, the page will automatically be redirected to the endpoint’s details page.


v3.7.1 stable
Improvements to the detection system and filters against non-human traffic:
– Added a check for the number of CPU cores available alongside the RAM memory availability under the “Device RAM < 1GB” filter
– Added visibility state check for Banner, Native and Push clicks. This insures that the visit was voluntarily made by the visitor and helps fight automated triggers and automatic opening in the background. This new check will trigger the “Invalid screen size” error when encountered.
– Added a device pixel ratio check to help combat automation from VPS and browser bots installed on various low resource virtual interfaces. This device pixel ratio check will also trigger an “Invalid screen size” error.
– Added a new check for WebGL renderers such as “SwiftShader” or “llvmpipe.” commonly used by headless browsers. These, when found, will trigger the “Invalid navigator platform” error.


v3.7.2 stable
– When editing supply endpoints you can now set custom revenue shares per manually inserted SubIDs.

Please keep in mind that adding SubID custom revenue shares will override any custom demand revenue share set when the SubID in discussion triggers its custom revenue share.

Example : If the supply endpoint #1 gets a response from demand endpoint #2, the supply endpoint #1 has a default revenue share of 50% but also has a custom demand revenue share set to 70% for demand endpoint #2 and we’ll add a custom SubID revenue share to 90% for SubID #1234, the final revenue share for SubID #1234 will be 90% while all the rest of the SubIDs will receive 70% for responses from demand endpoint #2.


v3.7.5 stable
– A new feature that allows user balance corrections to compensate for demand discrepancy has been added under Mass Edit -> Edit users.

This feature allows deduction of a specified percentage of user earnings in a specific date and for a specific demand endpoint.

* Any changes made this way are irreversible and should be made only when absolutely mandatory.
* Please keep in mind that the statistics are not affected by any changes made this way and only the actual balance of the users will be reduced.

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