Optimization guide

Adtransfer allows clients to easily manipulate the targeting of their demand and supply endpoints in order to optimize the results they get. The platform can be used for either manual optimization of both demand or supply endpoints or automatic optimization.

Manual optimization via statistics

To manually optimize the various targeting parameters that a demand or supply endpoint allows you need to navigate to the Statistics → Traffic reports, then, from the filters, select only 1 demand or supply endpoint respectively.

Once you have a demand or supply point selected you need to group the reports by country, browser, operating system, platform, category, demand / supply endpoint, subid. When optimizing a demand endpoint you can block / unblock the sources ( supply endpoints ) it receives traffic from and vice versa.

The next step is to check the tabled reports and block or unblock the needed targeting option.

Automatic optimization

Adtransfer offers you the possibility to create optimization rules for each endpoint. This applies for both supply and demand. To start creating optimization rules, navigate to your demand or supply endpoints as then from the action button select optimization as explained in these sections : Demand endpoints, Supply endpoints

You can create multiple rules for each endpoint, for multiple segments and criteria based on your needs.

The segments that can be optimized are :

  • Category
  • Country
  • Platform
  • Operating system
  • Browser
  • Source / Demand endpoint

The criteria based on which the optimization is triggered can be one of the following :

  • Bid price
  • CTR
  • eCPM
  • Win rate

There are also two types of comparison you can set :

  • Lower
  • Greater

An example optimization rule can look like this : IF A "Source" HAS A "Win rate" THAT IS "Lower" THAN 1% THEN BLOCK

All the optimization rules that are linked to the endpoint can be found within the same page.

Please note that deleting an optimization rule will not undo the changes that took place when the rule was active. For this, you will have to manually edit the targeting of the endpoint.

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